what little I have read about this case is truly horrifying. There is no excuse for his actions.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
Kermit Gosnell, MD.
by Glander inhe is accused of performing "abortions" after the birth of live babies.
where does planned parenthood stand on this case?.
Trying to establish the demographic trends of congregations. Wanting counters please. Big brother needs you.
by joe134cd ini'm just curious?
since i have become aware that witnesses are getting older and that the youth is leaving (well in western lands anyway), i have started doing counts by age group of the people sitting in the hall.
generally in the hall that i attend i have found that 2/3 are 40 and over while 1/3 is 40 and under.
finally awake
The hall I used to attend had roughly 45 in attendance at meetings. The age groups seemed to be pretty evenly split, with the noteable exception of absolutely no one between the ages of 18 and 30. It seems that the minute the kids get old enough to move away, they are gone.
just arrived here...
by sylvlef inhi all.. i'm a newbie from paris, france.
so please forgive my english grammar, it might be some times...improper.
27, got baptised at 16 (for a girl...i never had).
finally awake
Witness Claims He Was Fired After Xmas
by Bangalore inwitness claims he was fired after xmas.http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/04/17/56756.htm.
finally awake
I would guess that at least 75% of the work for a cake decorator would be holiday items and birthday items, unless you worked in a shop that specialized in wedding cakes only. Most supermarket bakeries don't do a lot of wedding cakes. What did he really think he'd be doing?
I apologize, and will .
by talesin ini apologise for not replying to pm's from the past couple of days ... pain and dealing with it has made me a 'bad' correspondent ..... .
tomorrow, sunday, i'm gonna check my msgs and get back to you .. i'm sorry!.
with much love,.
finally awake
hope you feel better soon :)
Hooray for me!
by stillin incleaning house and chunking out i useless trash today.
guess what went into the trash?
that's right, about ten years worth of magazines, all wt that i truthfully admitted to myself i never look at, and if i did it would be on the cdrom program.
finally awake
I trashed all of our left over litter-ature - my house seems so much tidier and uncluttered
by juanvazquez88 inhello my brothers in ttatt.
my name es juan, im from mexico, im catholic and my wife is a jehovah witness, expelled, of course.. therefore, she still believes in the organization, and she said that they were fine with her expulsion, cause she deserve it, cause our marriage with me.
any help, or someone with a similar experience will be good for me.
finally awake
welcome, my spanish is limited to "donde esta el bano?" and "mas cerveza por favor" LOL
Honest Reponse needed
by His Excellency inattraction isn't the glue that holds couples together, and there have even been scientific polls and studies taken on this.
that initial attraction *typically* doesn't last more than a few months.
though attraction keeps you interested long enough to get to know someone and build a relationship with him/her.. but my question is this, how long does the attraction lasts in new couples, before they get bored with each-other?..
finally awake
I'm still attracted to Just Ron after 22 years together. I wouldn't trade him for any other man, no matter how sexy.
What Kind of "Door Knocker" or "Bell Ringer" Were You?
by LoisLane looking for Superman ini preferred ringing the house holders door bell.
if i couldn't hear it.
i'd do it again, just in case.
finally awake
Once, I rang the bell and it jammed. The house was well insulated and I couldn't hear it until the lady finally came to the door. She was mad as a wet hen. Sorry Mrs. Merriwether!
Bethel Speaker- get rid of Facebook!
by Kensho inspecial assembly day (sad) bethel speaker ( a very good speaker i might add) in his talk " follow your spirit-directed conscience gave example of and elder and his family.
he noticed his wife and daughter spending a lot of time morning noon and night on facebook, it almost seemed like that is all they did, so as a spiritual head decided to see what they were constantly looking at, "let me see what you are spending so much time looking at on facebook said the elder".
the wife explained this is how we keep in contact with the "friends", elder started to look at her page and she was correct, there he found friends in the cong.
finally awake
I checked all the local dubs - everyone still has active facebook accounts as far as I can see. Maybe the locals missed that point on the SAD